Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Merry Weather

All these spots reversed the clock
Where we found blue hen glass made to last
Ribbon burnt along the road
And brought us through to Timbuktu

Cheese and butter was the other 
Grilled by hands without a brother
Roots reached through empty glass
Out the window overpass

Now or former was rewarded
To the man from which smoke distorted
Buying vegan water from a martyr
Didn't make us any smarter

But the show goes on
And kids still dance on our lawn
We never tried to play for keeps
Each of us a daydream feat

Monday, January 6, 2014

Duct Tape Hustle

White page, neon heart
Tell me, when did the beating start?
I found it underneath a triangle frame
And made it spread to quench a flame

Just like you I dreamed of cardboard robots
Designed to kill but still unable
Made from shoeboxes and broken cables

At the height of schools we learned much
and from tap dancing on hollow floors,
Forgot it such

Dreams disappeared like the corners of your toast,
Then landed on my shoulders,
Chipped until arms couldn’t be raised

When the wire snapped I switched the string
The bridge hadn’t broken but the cracks remained
It plays back now into a broken record,
Into a crescendo of only seconds

Little did I know
The song was written before we tasted it.
You wrote the melody.

I, the words.