Why Blog?

        I originally began posting my thoughts in the blogger sphere the summer of 2012 as Mister Pennsylvania. This was during my time in Ireland taking two creative writing classes in Dublin, Cork and Galway Ireland. It was a pretty amazing experience led by two of the most caring and knowledgeable professors I've ever known. I became close friends with complete strangers and produced some of my best work as an undergraduate student.

        There's a lot of amateur first person narrative I tried crafting into humorous stories on that blog. There's also some rare moral themes scattered through out, but mostly my goal stemmed from a desire to impress my readers. Mister Pennsylvania was essentially an alter ego I came up with after a burly bouncer addressed me as such, during a time where I was still trying to figure out how exactly I wanted to craft my experience through writing.

         I'm long past the days trying to impress people. The truth is and always will be that treating yourself with compassion and respect will lead others to return it back to you. Worrying about who those people will be or who you want them to be will only leave you wanting more. Writing about topics I'm passionate about helps me stay sane, along with listening to music, exploring our beautiful earth and having stimulating conversations with awesome people.

        Everything you need to know about me you can find in my posts, which I plan to update on a periodic basis during my travels and between schooling. I'll try my best to keep the content thought provoking and original, hopefully encompassing a wide variety of writing styles and subjects. While the majority of my writing will be travel writing, I also plan on focusing on themes of holistic wellness and positive counseling, which I also write about through my graduate school newspaper, which you can find links to in the "Publications" tab.

        Thanks again for stopping by and remember, no exchange is ever one-sided, and in order to get the most out of any interaction we most be willing to let down our guard and open our minds. This is just a simple blog, so that shouldn't be too hard. Enjoy!



  1. Hi Justin! Hinterland was a blast. Thanks for bringing your good vibes. I look forward to reading your post about your experience.

  2. We met at the Freethought Day event in Chester County. I lost your card when I got back but it popped up again. Everything seems reasonable on the blog I guess. No major comment to add, but I notice you're not blogging much so I thought I'd comment here. Re-read this page and decide if your 'why blog' matters anymore. Has your opinion changed? It must have with reduced volume. I started a blog once and wrote the 'why blog' and couldn't think of a good reason for me so I didn't do the blog. But in your line of work it seems like you could find a good reason. Blog or don't, but make sure it's a matter of conscious decision not just flagging motivation.
    Also, I recommend "The Artist's Way" by Julia Cameron. It's a creativity / self discovery book I think would be right down your alley in general and for this particular activity.

    1. Thanks for the comment! Glad you found your way, Jason? I do go back and read this on occasion and you're probably right, I should update this part as I'm no longer exclusively writing! I should also probably say "periodical basis" instead of "consistent" basis (school works saps a lot of energy!!). Thanks again for the feedback!
