Friday, February 5, 2016

Immaculata Wellness Article

After being off several weeks for winter break, the Immaculatan, Immaculata Unversitie's student newspaper was finally able to publish the December issue online. I’m featured in that issue on page 4, with the holistic wellness article titled "If Your Reading This Your Just In Time".

That article discusses what everyday mind and body wellness can do for us. Unfortunately, after the 300+ issues were sent out for distribution we soon discovered there was a slight editing error in my article and another students article. As you can see in the picture below, the editors unknowingly cut off the final lines to my last sentences due to a "font sizing error". Instead of losing my mind, I took some of my own advice and went on to accept this fact. I even went on to hand print the last sentence in over 200 copies. 

We all do crazy things for what we believe in. Make that craziness worth doing.

You can find the article here: